Wake-Up Call is a life-size exhibit of a teen’s bedroom with more than 20 “red flags” that can signal drug or alcohol use. The bedroom identifies spots where teens may hide drugs, household items that can be used as drug paraphernalia and ways teens try to cover up drug and alcohol use. Our goal is to educate parents and other adults who are influential in the lives of youth so they know what seemingly innocent items can actually be an indication of substance abuse.
The experience will include a guided tour, signs and symptoms of drug use, tips for parents and a question-answer session. Resources will be available for participants. For questions about this event, please Jolene Schatzinger at (920) 748-4637, schatzingerj@ripon.k12.wi.us or Sandi Lybert at (262) 367-9901.
A resource fair will take place from 5:45-6:30PM, with the program beginning promptly at 6:30PM. Free pizza will be provided by Dominos of Ripon and Culver's frozen custard tokens will also be provided.