2024 Ripon Area Vacation Bible School
Calling all children preschool through 8th grade! Come dive into friendship with Ripon Area VBS.
All events are currently listed with 24hr/military time. This is a technical issue that we are working to resolve. Thank you for your understanding.
Calling all children preschool through 8th grade! Come dive into friendship with Ripon Area VBS.
Pastor Erik will be wrapping up the Parables series during our last outdoor worship experience. We will be moving back inside next Sunday.
More information coming soon…
We are continuing in our Parables series with a message from Adrian Granados. After the worship experience we invite everyone to stay for lunch and games.
FREE Outdoor Concert! Join us for a night of live music & worship and concessions. Plus, get a chance to dunk Pastor Erik in the dunk tank! All proceeds from concessions and the dunk tank will go towards Hellen’s House.
Happy Father’s Day! To celebrate both Father’s Day and moving outside for the summer, we will be serving root beer floats following the worship experience.
Please join us for a night of being fully in God’s presence. This night is designed to let God move and to move with God through prayer, singing, and however else the Lord guides.